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Inspection Knowledge

Flight Academy
AFJROTC cadets have the opportunity to learn from the best flight programs in the country as well as earn college credit. The selection and screening process for students is highly competitive and proved a contributing factor to this year’s success. Students must maintain 3.0 or higher GPA to apply, will be graded against their peers on an Aviation Qualification Test (derived from the Air Force Officers Qualification Test), aviation experience, endorsements, leadership experience and physical fitness. The 2020 year will require a minimum average fitness score of 40.
If you are interested in applying see Major Rousseaux
1. BACKGROUND/OVERVIEW: The Air Force is funding scholarships for AFJROTC cadets to attend private pilot training at public/private universities during the summer of 2021. Selected cadets will be identified through a competitive boarding process. The scholarship will pay for round-trip airfare, room and board, collegiate academics, and flight hours required to potentially earn a Private Pilot’s Certificate (PPC) through an in-residence collegiate program that is approximately eight (8) weeks in length.
Each university hosting students is an independent organization and provides its own management and oversight for students and programs. Cadets will be engaged in an intensive academic, flying training program and may have classes or flying training during weekend hours. Completion of the PPC is singularly dependent on each student’s academic and flying ability and the university’s determination and judgment to recommend a student.
What is the Flight Academy?
The Flight Academy is a Chief of Staff of the Air Force scholarship to generate aviation interest among high school students and provides pathways to aviation careers. Additionally, it capitalizes on the diverse Air Force Junior ROTC cadet population (43% female, 57% minority). This effort addresses the national pilot shortage across the U.S. Students will have the opportunity to earn college credit and their private pilot’s certification if they successfully meet university and FAA standards.
Who can apply for a Flight Academy Scholarship?
Air Force Junior ROTC sophomore, junior and senior cadets who are 16 or older and in good standing in their program may apply. Applicants must have a 3.0 or greater GPA (on a 4.0 scale) and the recommendation of their SASI and high school administrator (principal or counselor). Additionally, students must obtain a minimum PFT score (to be determined by HQ AFJROTC) on their annual fitness assessment. Students must maintain the 3.0 GPA post-application to enroll in the university program. Cadets must be 17 years old at the time of their Flight Academy graduation to attend. Note: Air Force Junior ROTC is seeking an age waiver through the FAA to potentially allow 16 year-old cadets to attend.
What is the purpose of the Flight Academy?
The purpose of the Flight Academy is to provide an opportunity for selected cadets to earn their Private Pilot Certification (PPC) while simultaneously increasing an interest in aviation. The program goal is to leverage the diverse Air Force Junior ROTC cadet population to help address the predicted need of 6,000 - 8,000 pilots per year for the next 20 years across industry and the U.S. military. The program does not however, guarantee certification or college credit.
Where and when is the Flight Academy conducted?
Cadets will attend private pilot training at public/private universities throughout the U.S. over the summer months for approximately 8 weeks.
What other benefits can cadets glean from attending the Flight Academy?
In addition to earning their PPC, cadets will earn college credit. The number of credit hours earned varies by host institution. Currently credit hours earned range from 3-8 credit hours. Students must meet or exceed university standards to earn college credit and their PPC.
What are the student costs for attending the Flight Academy?
Student costs are minimal. The Flight Academy Scholarship covers tuition, room, board, meals, text books, air travel, Class 1 Flight Physical and Alien Student Flight Program (ASFP) fee (if required). Cadet expenses are generally limited to items normally required of any student attending college (i.e., bed linens, clothes and comfort items for the room). Cadets are provided a suggested packing list which identifiesitemsthey might want to bring and are encouraged to have a modest amount of spending money for incidentals.
Are there any unique rules associated with attending the Flight Academy?
Care expected to adhere to all host institution rules/policies and to represent the Air Force in a positive manner. Intrinsic with that is upholding appropriate behavioral, dress, and grooming standards. Not all students will earn their PPC. Most universities take 1 or 2 full semesters for students to earn a PPC. This is an intensive 8-week program and students who do not put forth 100% effort may not complete their PPC. Additionally, there may be contributing factors outside the universities’ control such as extended weather or maintenance. These factors may contribute to the inability of cadets earning their PPC due to contributing factors out of their control.
Is there a military service obligation associated with a Flight Academy Scholarship?
NO. Cadets who earn their PPC will be referred to a Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Wing nearest them so they may continue flying free of charge while they remain in Air Force Junior ROTC. Although there is no military requirement, students may be contacted by an Air Force Representative to learn about educational opportunities at the Air Force Academy or Air Force ROTC.
Burkburnett HS AFJROTC Cadet selected for Flight Academy

Burkburnett High School student receives Air Force Junior ROTC Flight Academy scholarship
Maxwell AFB, AL March 3, 2022 – Cadet Anthony Durrell an 11th grade Air Force Junior ROTC cadet at Burkburnett High School has received a scholarship to attend an accredited aviation university participating in a Private Pilot Certificate training program in the summer of 2022.Cadet Anthony Durrell is one of 200 Air Force Junior ROTC cadets around the world to receive the scholarship from Headquarters Air Force Junior ROTC, Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. More than 1300 cadets applied for one of the 200 scholarships. There are almost 120,000 high school students enrolled in Air Force Junior ROTC programs at approximately 870 high schools in the U.S. and overseas. The scholarship covers transportation, room and board, academics and flight hours required to potentially earn a Private Pilot Certificate. The scholarship is valued at approximately $22,500.The Air Force Junior ROTC Flight Academy Scholarship Program is an Air Force-level initiative in collaboration with the commercial aviation industry to address the national civilian and military pilot shortage. The Flight Academy allows aspiring young aviators to get their Private Pilot’s Certification, at no cost, during an eight-week summer course at partner universities. Those who participate in the program will earn a college transcript but do not incur a military commitment to the Air Force or other branch of service, nor does completing the program guarantee acceptance into one of the military’s commissioning programs.The mission of Air Force Junior ROTC is to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community, while instilling values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility and sense of accomplishment.
Air Force Academy & College ROTC
U.S. Air Force Academy
U.S. Air Force Academy website: https://www.usafa.edu/
U.S. Air Force Academy Admissions website: https://www.academyadmissions.com/
Why the Air Force Academy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0i27kGra7M
Virtual Tour: https://www.usafa.edu/#
College ROTC
Air Force ROTC website: https://www.afrotc.com/
Air Force ROTC Scholarships: https://www.afrotc.com/scholarships/
Air Force ROTC Application Process: https://www.afrotc.com/scholarships/high-school/application/
Air Force ROTC Scholarship Information
Scholarship Requirements: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OJ3xOoMc9iXDtbw6aHvUtc07lsZE9cDw/view?usp=sharing
Scholarship Types: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cVhybc4ZvyDHOoo7gbxkLvGM_W6nBHZh/view?usp=sharing
Below is a great college ROTC information video that explains a lot about college ROTC and some of the process to apply.
University of North Texas ROTC Information Session